Whether your VRBO is a focused business endeavor or a side hobby to bring in some revenue for a property you don’t use all the time, in the IRS’s eyes, you are operating a business. Therefore, it is important to maintain a clean set of books to make for easy performance analysis and tax compliance.
We support VRBO owners nationwide with our monthly bookkeeping service and occupancy and sales tax compliance. Know your key income, cash flow, occupancy percent and rate of return each month. Utilize our custom booking analysis functions to monitor multiple properties booking from multiple sources. Adopt best practices used at other successful VRBO operations.
If you’re going to be in business, then be in business and work with the accountants who will keep the numbers balanced.
P&L and performance tracking starting from $100/month plus $50/unit after the 2nd unit.
Annual federal tax compliance runs $275/year for the Schedule C or entity return.